Teen Advisory Board (TAB)

Books Inc.'s Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Information and Application

Teen Advisory Board Goals and Expectations

Our goal in creating the Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is to foster a community with our Teen readers. We are looking for enthusiastic teens, ages 13-17, interested in all things book related who are able to meet once a month to review books, create interesting displays, volunteer at events, and give informed and unique event and buying input. 

TAB Members are encouraged to:

  • Create fun and eye-catching book displays
  • Write creative and fun blog posts
  • Promote Books Inc.’s YA events on personal social media accounts, specifically those hosted in their store
  • Write Shelf Talkers for the YA section
  • Come up with fun themes and craft ideas for future meetings
  • Give buying advice to the Books Inc. Children’s specialist
  • Nominate a Buzz Book
  • Give feedback and advice on NYMBC Teen Events
  • Interview YA authors
  • Create fun book themed events for their respective store
  • Volunteer at author events
  • Recruit fellow book lovers for the Teen Advisory Board
  • Attend other Books Inc. Events
  • Read and have fun!

Meeting Format

Meetings will be 1-2 hours long depending on the pre-planned activities, and will be supervised by the Books Inc. Children’s specialist or Manager. We will discuss, as a group, what the members want to accomplish or do at each meeting. However, the most important thing we’ll do is talk about books! Review them, write shelf-talkers, and chat with the Books Inc. Children’s Specialist about what we HAVE to have on our shelves.

Every month, Books Inc.’s Children’s Event Coordinator, Hannah Walcher, will send the teens an email featuring all upcoming YA and Children’s Events that they can volunteer for. If the TAB members have any requests for author visits, they should contact Hannah at hwalcher@booksinc.net.


PDF iconTeen Advisory Board Info and Application 2020.pdf